Two people smiling at each other while sitting at a conference table

In any Meeting of the Minds workshop, it’s amazing to see participants experience aha moments as they realize why their colleagues approach work in a certain way. Through our activities and reflections, attendees get an opportunity to see the Attributes come to life and witness the power of cognitive diversity in action. One of the…

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Person pointing at white board while colleagues look on

In any workplace, employees will experience a motivation dip from time to time. Maybe work is starting to feel a little too routine. It could be that projects are too easy or too challenging. Perhaps staff feel like they aren’t accomplishing their goals or taking steps toward the future they want to realize. Or they…

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Person pointing at a laptop and smiling with coworker

There are many skills that executives and managers are asked to build to support their staff and drive results, and empathy may be one of the most important of all. Recent research has shown that empathy can have a significant impact on our people and businesses. In addition to being good for the Social part…

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Person looking at and talking to colleague on their laptop

In forward-thinking companies, building a strong workplace culture has always been a core part of business strategy. From decades of research, we’ve seen how positive corporate climates have been shown to improve employee engagement, enhance revenue growth and increase profitability. While most executives recognize the value of a great culture, many businesses have held off…

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Coworkers sitting around a conference table with laptops smiling

How would you rate the psychological safety of your team? I recently took an assessment based on Dr. Amy Edmonson’s book The Fearless Organization to better understand how my department compared with groups in other companies on multiple dimensions of psychological safety. The results were fascinating and provided some great ideas on how to make…

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Four employees working together around a conference table

As companies strive to create a people-centric workplace, employee experience is growing as a top priority – and it’s an expansive one. While there is not one single definition, the employee experience encapsulates what people encounter and observe over the course of their tenure at an organization including onboarding, development, performance management and ultimately, departure.…

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Woman standing and talking to seated coworkers

What is your organization striving to achieve? Maybe you’re concentrating on a digital transformation or launching a new product. Perhaps you’re looking long-term and thinking about how your company will adapt to support its vision. Wherever you are focused, prioritizing professional growth can help you find success. When businesses are actively pursuing their goals, sometimes…

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